
Clergy Initiative

Dear Father and Presvytera, Thank you for your interest in the Clergy Initiative - Ministerial Excellence Fund. The goal of the MEF is to have all of our clergy participate in financial literacy training and to provide grants for those having need to reduce or alleviate their financial challenges. By reducing these burdens, these grants [...]

Clergy Initiative

Clergy-in-Kairos Program for Priests and Clergy Couples

Clergy-in-Kairos Program for Priests and Clergy Couples at the Pastoral Institute, Columbus, GA Increasingly, priests and clergy couples are encountering a variety of challenges and effects of accumulated stress in their personal and relational life. Seeking support to work through these challenges can be a challenge in itself.  Below you will find: information on a 5-day [...]

Clergy-in-Kairos Program for Priests and Clergy Couples

What does marriage have to do with leadership

"What does marriage have to do with leadership?  If you are married, everything.  Nothing will undermine your effectiveness as a leader faster than a bad marriage."  What an important truth for priests and clergy wives! In the article, "How to Become Your Spouse's Best Friend: 3 Straightforward Steps to a Relationship that Lasts," Michael Hyatt [...]

What does marriage have to do with leadership

“Confessions of a Ministry Introvert”

Below you will find the opening paragraphs of an outstanding article you can read in its entirety on the “Christianity Today” website.  This website is free; all you need to do to subscribe is to register.  Many outstanding, practical resources that are compatible with Orthodoxy can be found on this site.  This particular article explores [...]

“Confessions of a Ministry Introvert”

Upcoming Webinar: Becoming a Healing Presence

Join us on on Thursday, September 15 at 1:00 pm EST. The topic will be: "Becoming a Healing Presence," the title of Dr. Rossi's most recent book. In this webinar Dr. Rossi will explore what it means and takes to become a healing presence in our relationships, both in our home family and our church family. He will address being a healing presence to those who are difficult to love, aggressive parishioners, etc.

Upcoming Webinar: Becoming a Healing Presence
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