Welcome to the Clergy Couple Care Website!
The purpose of this website is to provided priests, presvyteres, and clergy couples resources for navigating the many challenges they face in regard to personal self-care, marriage and family life. Thus, you will find resources specifically for the priest and others for the presvytera, and other resources for both.
We encourage you to read all our policies and notes before joining. At quick glance, the icons at below represent our most important points.
In addition, weekly marriage enrichment exercises, which are sensitive to the challenges of the clergy couple, will be offered. Furthermore, discussion board scenarios will be posted monthly. These scenarios will be taken from real-life challenges clergy couples and families face, and anyone who chooses to post some thoughts on the particular scenario will be free to do so anonymously or with identification.
We want this site to be a safe space for our clergy couples to find encouragement and resources for the many and varied challenges we encounter in our lives, those we share with the members of our communities and those that are unique to our lives as priests, presvyteres, clergy couples and clergy families.
Since few “Orthodox” resources specifically for the priest, presvytera, clergy couple and clergy family have been developed, you will find some resources on this site from other Christian traditions. All of these resources have been screened for compatibility with the teachings of the Orthodox Church. When a resource, whether a link, article or book, is listed, a description will accompany the listing, when appropriate.
It is the sincere hope of the Center for Family Care, with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, that this Website will be a source of encouragement, inspiration and support for all of us serving the Vineyard of our Lord as priests and presvyteres.